Ruby Peter: Snotboy Saves the Sequestered Girl
Ruby Peter shares the saga of the young lady who was kidnapped and how she was rescued by Snotboy. Transcription and translation by Ruby Peter, with editing by Donna Gerdts. (This version October 12, 2020.)
tse’yul’lhtum’ ts’u thu q’e’mi’
Sequestered girl
(1) ’u kw’un’a.a.a wulh hith, tse’yul’lhtum’ ts’u thu q’e’mi’.
A long time ago, there was a sequestered young lady.
(2) nilh ’ul’ hay ’ul’ ’uw’ ’ulh tl’i’ slheni’.
She was a very high status lady.
(3) ’i’ ’uw’ tskw’uyuth thuw’nilh.
And she had a servant.
(4) yath ’uw’ kwun’et … yath ’uw’ le’lum’utum’.
She was always looking after her.
(5) ’umshasum’ ’u kws ’umshasum’s ’i’ ’uw’ yu ni’ thu skw’uyuth.
Wherever she went for a walk, the slave would be there.
(6) yu tsukwulul’qum’ yu le’lum’utum’, mukw’ sla’thut-s kwus tuw’ ’i’mushasum’.
She would be following and watching her whatever she did when she was walking around.
(7) skw’ey kws nem’s hwtsukwilum.
She couldn’t go far.
(8) nuw’ sxuxitsul’ tthu she’shlh nem’ shxwut’us kwus nem’ ’i’mush ni’ ’u tthu lelum’s.
She could go on the little trails close to her house.
(9) ’i’ ni.i.iw’ nem’ ’uw’ t’at’uhw ’u tthu kw’atl’kwu tthey’ she’shlh.
One trail went down to the sea.
(10) sus nem’ ’uw’ ’i’mushasum’ thuw’nilh q’e’mi’.
And the young lady would walk there.
(11) ’i ts’u yu hwu’a’lum’ kwus wulh m’i yu hwu’a’lum’ tun’ni’ ’u tthu tsetsuw’ ’uw’ yu kwun’atul’ ’u thu skw’uyuths.
One day, she was coming back home, coming from the beach, together with her slave.
(12) ’i’ wulh hwthqw’ustul ’u tu’inulh yu ’i’mush.
They met up with someone walking.
(13) suw’ tuw’ yu le’lum’utus, ’i’ ’i ts’u yu lhchum’ux.
She was sort of watching him, and he was chewing gum.
(14) ’o.o.o! ’i ts’u tuw’ yu kw’elhq’um’ thu chumuxs kwus yu tth’utth’e’tus tthuw’nilh swiw’lus.
He was snapping his gum really loudly as he was chewing, that young man.
(15) ’a.a.a! ’i ts’u wulh shitum thuw’nilh q’e’mi’.
And that made the girl wish for some.
(16) suw’ qwulstuhws, “m’i lhu tuw’ yuxtse’ ’u thun’ chumux.”
She said to him, “Won’t you share your gum with me?”
(17) “ha.a’u! ’uwu. nu stl’i’ thunu chumux.”
“Oh no, I won’t. I want my gum.”
(18) sus ’uw’ huye’ tthu swiw’lus, ni’ huye’.
The young man went on away.
(19) sus ne.e.em’ ’uw’ yu t’at’ukw’ thuw’nilh q’emi’, hun’umut.
The young lady went on toward home and arrived there.
(20) ’uwu nis qwul’qwul’ ’u tthu ni’ lumnuhwus ’u tthu shhwuw’welis.
She didn’t talk about what she saw to her parents.
(21) kweyul ’i’ tl’e’ wulh tl’qw’uthut.
The next day she got ready again.
(22) thut-st-hwus thu skw’uyuth, “’ilhe tl’e’ wulh ’umshasum’.”
She told her slave, “Lets’ go for a walk again.”
(23) yu sthu’iw’s thuw’nilh q’e’mi’.
The young lady was all dressed up.
(24) qu.u.ux tthu shushiyulhs, qux.
She had lots of brothers, a lot of them.
(25) nilh wulh hay ’ul’ su’aasuqwt.
And she was the youngest.
(26) ’upeenu ’i’ kw’ yey’sul’u nilhs, ’upeenu ’i’ kw’ lhhwelu thuw’nilh q’e’mi’.
She had twelve brothers and she was the thirteenth child.
(27) sus ’uw’ huliye’ ’i’ thu skw’uyuths nem’ tl’e’ wulh ’umshasum’.
She and her slave went for a walk.
(28) nem’ t’ahw nem’ ’u tthu tsetsuw’.
They went down to the beach again.
(29) ni’ tl’e’ wulh yu t’at’ukw’, wulh yu tsakwum’ yu t’at’ukw’.
They were going back home, and it was quite a distance.
(30) tl’e’ wulh hwthqw’ustul ’u tthu swiw’lus tl’e’ wulh ’i chum’ux.
Again, they met up with the young man who was chewing gum.
(31) hwthiqun kws yu kw’elhq’um’s thu chumuxs.
He was snapping his gum really loudly.
(32) tl’e’ wulh qwal, qwulst-hwus tthu swiw’lus, “m’i lhu tuw’ yuxtse’ ’u thun’ chumux.”
And she spoke again to the young man, “Come and share your gum.”
(33) “ha.a’u! nu stl’i’ thunu chumux! nu stl’i’!”
“Oh no! I want my gum! I want it!”
(34) “’uhwiin’ ’ul’ p’e’! ’uhwiin’ ’ul’ kwu ’un’s ’ehwe’th.”
“Just give me a tiny little piece.”
(35) “qux kwthu ni’ shtun’ni’s, qux chumux. nem’ ch kwun’num.”
“There’s lots where I got it from, lots of gum. Go and get some.”
(36) “’a.a.a! ni’ ’untsu? ni’ ’untsu?”
“Ah! Where? Where?”
(37) “ni’ p’e’ ni’ ’u tuni’. xwum tsun ’i’ nem’ ’i’wusthamu.”
“Its’ over there. I can go and show you.”
(38) “’a.a.a, ’uy’!”
“Oh, good!”
(39) sus hwi’ taantus thu skw’uyuths, nem’ huye’ tseelqum ’u tthu swiw’lus nem’ ’u tthu tsetsuw’.
She went and left her slave, and she followed the young man down to the beach.
(40) ni’ tuw’ ’ulh hwthtiwun, “may! ni’ tsun wulh hwtsukwilum.”
She started thinking, “Oh my! I’m going too far.”
(41) sus ’uw’ kwunutus tthu [s’iluws tthu] lushaans ’i’ ni’ yu t’aqw’tus sus ’uw’ yu ’a’kw’ustus ’u tthu thul’ithqut shts’ushtutsus.
She took her shawl and broke off pieces of the fringe, hanging them on the branches of the trees.
(42) huye’ ’i’ ni’ tl’e’ wulh kwunutus ’i’ ni’ ’akw’ustus.
As she walked, she took them and hung them up.
(43) nuw’ hun’tsew ’ul’ tl’e’ wulh ptem’, “ni’ ’untsu kw’ chumux?”
They got down to the beach, and she asked again, “Where is the chewing gum?”
(44) “a.a.a! ni’ ni’ ’u tnanulh shlhq’a’th.
“Its’ just over there on the other side.
(45) ’uwu niis tsakw, nuw’ ni’ ’ul’ ’u tuni’.
Its’ not far, right over there.
(46) ’i ’u tu’i lhu snuhwulh.”
The canoe is right here.”
(47) “’a.a.a! skw’ey kwunus nem’.”
“Oh! I can’t go.”
(48) “’uw’ stutes ’ul’, stitutees ’ul’, ’uwu niis tsakw.
“It’s very close, very near, not at all far.
(49) m’i ’aalh.”
Come get on board.”
(50) ’uw’ tuw’ yu haw’uwthut thuw’nilh q’e’mi’.
The young lady was kind of reluctant.
(51) ’i’… sus ’uw’ ’aalh, ’aanlh hwi’ ’aalh ’u tthu snuhwulh.
But she got in the canoe, got on board and was leaving.
(52) sus ’uw’ huye’ tthu … nuw’ wulh hwi’ hulithut tthey’ snuhwulh, hou’tum’e.
And that canoe came to life, Hou’tum’e.
(53) ni’ huye’ kwsus wulh huye’ ’imush thu hou’tum’e ’i’ nilh ni’ ’uw’ yu sqwaqwul’s.
The canoe Hou’tum’e travelled, and they crossed to the other side.
(54) “hou’tum’e! hou’tum’e!” kwsus yu shaxwuqwul’, tus ’u tthu shlhq’a’th.
“Hou’tum’e! Hou’tum’e!” it said as they were crossing over to the other side.
(55) [’i’] ni’ thu li’lum’.
And there was a little house.
(56) kwus wulh nem’ qw’im, nem’ qw’im ’i’ sthima’ tthu ni’ shtusth.
Then they disembarked, and when they got out, it got very icy.
(57) suw’ hwthtiwun, “tl’i’s tthu ni’ yu sul’uthut-s.”
The young lady thought, “He’s up to something.”
(58) tssetum, “m’i qw’im! nem’ tsun ’i’wusthamu, ni’ ni’ ’u tuni’nulh.”
And he told her, “Get off! I’ll show you where it is, right over there.”
(59) sus nem’ ’uw’ qw’im huye.e.e nem’ ni’ hwi’ nuw’ilum ’u they’.
She got off and entered the little house.
(60) suw’ ’amustum ’u thu chumux, kw’i’hw.
And he gave her the gum, known as pitch.
(61) ni’ kwunnuhwus thu kw’i’hw suw’ thut-s, “’uy’ kwunus nem hwu’alum’.
When she got the gum, she said to him, “I’d better go back.
(62) nem’ ch hwu’alum’stam’sh ’u kwthu(nu) ni’ nu shtun’ni’.”
Bring me back to where I came from.”
(63) wulh thut-stum, “uwu, ’uwu stsekwul’us kwun’s nem tl’e’ hwu’alum’.
But he said, “No, you can’t ever go back.
(64) ’i ch tse’ ’uw’ hwu ’i ’ul’ ’u tun’a.
This is where you are going to belong.
(65) ha’ ch nem’ ’utl’qul ’i ’uw’ wutl’uts’ ch ’ul’ sthima’ ’ul’ kwthu s’e’tl’q.”
If you go outside you will just fall down, because its’ just a sheet of ice outside.”
(66) lemutus tthu s’e’tl’q ’i ’uw’ sthi.i.ima’ ’ul’.
She looked outside—it was just ice.
(67) nem’ tuw’ ’imush ’utl’qul kwus ’utl’qul ’i’ ’uw’ wutl’uts’ ’ul’, tl’e’ wulh hwu’alum’ nuw’ilum.
She went to walk outside, but outside she would just fall down, so she went back in.
(68) nuw’ net, kweyul ’i’ qwals, “tth’ihwum nem’ t’ukw’stam’sh ’u kwthunu shtun’ni’.”
Night came and the next day she said, “Take me back to where I’m from.”
(69) ’i’ ’uwustum.
But he refused.
(70) ni’ wulh tth’eyukw’ kwthu shhw’a’luqw’a’s shushiyulhs.
Her siblings were starting to get worried.
(71) thut-s thu tsi’tsut, “nem’ lhu suw’q’t lhun’ sqe’uqulup.”
Her mother said, “Go and look for your younger sister.”
(72) huye’ ne.e.em suwq’tum tthu tsa’luqw ’i’ na’nuts’a’ tthu ni’ wulh lumnuhw tthu ni’ yu s’a’kw’us ’u tthu [thul’i’thqut] tthu s’iluws tthu lushaan.
They searched up the mountain and one of them saw what she had hung in the trees, the fringes from the shawl.
(73) ne.e.em’ [hw]telshus ’i ’uw’ yu [s’a’kw’us] ni’ wulh nem’ hwt’ahw ’u tthu tsetsuw’.
He followed them down to the beach.
(74) ’aalh ’u tthu snuhwulh sus nem’ ’uw’ … nem’ ’u thu skwi’kwthu.
He got in the canoe and went to that little island.
(75) tus ’u thu skwikwthu ’i [’uw’] sthiima’ ’ul’ tthu ni’ shtusth.
When he got to the island, it was just sheets of ice.
(76) nem’ ’u thu lelum’ kwuhwtsum, wulh m’i hun’utl’q skwathshun’.
He went to the house and knocked, and Skwathshun’ opened the door.
(77) suw’ thut-s tthu swiw’lus, “’i tsun yu tl’i’tl’u’ast lhunu sqe’uq; nem’ tsun t’ukw’stuhw.”
The young man said, “I came to get my sister; I’m going to take her home.”
(78) hwtqetum tthu shelh, “’a, sht’eewun’ ch kwun’s nem’ huye’stuhw, ni’ wulh hwu nu swe’.
Closing the door (Skwathshun’ said), “Ah, you think you’re going to take her, but she is mine now.”
(79) sus ’uw’ lhkwinustus, lhkwinustum tthu swiw’lus.
He pecked with his beak, pecked at the young man’s chest.
(80) ’i’ nilh thu tth’ele’s ni’ kwunnuhwus sus ’uw’ muq’utus.
And he took his heart out, took it and swallowed it.
(81) kwunutum tthu swiw’lus sus ’uw’ lheq’utum’ ni’ ’u tthu thima’ suw’ tl’hwutstum.
He took the young man laid him out on the ice and covered him up.
(82) tl’e’ wulh qul’et, tl’e’ wulh xeem’ tl’e’ wulh xeem’ thu tsi’tsut, xeem’utus thu mun’us.
Again, the mother was crying and crying, crying for her daughter.
(83) ni’ tl’e’ wulh lumnuhwus tthu na’nuts’a’ tthu s’iluws ni’ yu sq’iq’uw’.
Then, another brother discovered the fringes of the shawl hanging on the branches.
(84) ni’ tl’uw’ te.e.elshus nem’ t’ahw.
He started following them and he went down to the beach.
(85) sus nem’ ’uw’ shaqwul, tl’uw’ shaqwul nem’ ’u tthey’.
And he went across, also crossed over there.
(86) tus ’u thu lelum’ kwuhwtsum, “lhunu sqe’uq, ’i tsun yu tl’itl’u’ast.”
He got to the little house and knocked, “I’ve come for my younger sister.”
(87) “’a.a.a! sht’eewun’ ch ’ul’.
“Oh, you think so, do you?
(88) ni’ wul hwu nu swe’ nu sta’lus lhu ’un’ sqe’uq.
Your sister is now my wife.
(89) ’uwu stsekwul’us kwun’s nem’ huye’stuhw tl’e’.”
There’s no way you’ll take her away.”
(90) s’e’tl’q, ni’ tl’uw’ lhkwinustus ’ul’ [’i’] ni’ muq’utum thu tth’ele’s.
They were outside, and once again he just pecked at his chest, and swallowed his heart.
(91) tl’uw’ lheq’utum tthu ni’ yu t’ut’unutum’ tthu shushiyulh thuw’nilh q’e’mi’.
He laid him down side-by-side with the young lady’s other brother.
(92) ’upeenu [’i’ kw’ yey’sul’u] tthu shushiyulhs.
She had ten [or twelve] brothers.
(93) sus ’uw’ yu tsukwul’ul’qum’ nem’ ’u they’ skwi’kwthu.
Each one followed them to that island.
(94) ni’ tus tthuw’ne’ullh, tus, tus ’i’ ni’ tl’e’ ’uw’ q’aaytum ’ul’ ’i’ ni’ lheq’utum.
They all got there and were killed and laid out.
(95) ’i’ nilh ni’ ’uw’ yu sul’uthut-s kwus yu humq’utus thu tth’ele’s tthu [shushiyulhs] thu q’e’mi, stse’yul’lh q’e’m’i’.
What he did was swallow the hearts of the young lady’s brothers, of the sequestered girl.
(96) sus ’uw’ yu t’ut’un’utum’ tthuw’ne’ullh nuw’ hwu ’upeenu ’ul’ [’i’ kw’ yey’sul’u] ni’ wulh ’uw’kw’.
And they were laid out side-by-side, those ten [or twelve] that were vanquished.
(97) ’i.i.iw’ xeem’ thu tsi’tsut xeem’, ’a’mut ni’ ’u tthu ni’ shni’s kwsus ’a’mut.
The mother was crying, sitting there at the place where she was sitting.
(98) xeem’, xeem’, qp’as, shqa’usth, smut’uqsun.
She kept crying, hanging her head, and her tears fell, and the snot dripped.
(99) sus ’uw’ nuts’a’ ’ul’ tthu ni’ shni’s kwsus hwu meel’qsunum’.
It was all piling into one spot where her nose was running.
(100) tussustun’mut ni’ wulh ’uw’kw’ tthu me’mun’us swaw’lus ’i’ they’ mun’us, stse’yul’lh mun’us.
She was grieving for her lost children, her sons and the one daughter, the sequestered daughter.
(101) xeem’ xeem’ ni’ wulh hwu qux tthu smut’uqsun kwus slhelhuq’ ni’ ’u tthu ni’ shni’s kwus xeem’.
She kept crying—her snot was piling up where she was sitting, crying.
(102) ’i.i.i ts’u hwun’ xeem’ ’i ni’ wulh lumnuhwus tthu ni’ kway’xthut.
As she was crying, she was watching, and she saw something move.
(103) “st’e ’uw’ ’iis kway’xthut tun’a.”
“Sometimes moving here.”
(104) suw’ hwu le.e.e’lum’utus.
And she was staring at it.
(105) tl’e’ wulh xeem’ hwmu’ulqsunum’ ’i’ ni’ tl’e’ wulh kwuyxthut.
She cried again and her nose ran and again, something moved.
(106) suw’ sht’eewun’, “’iihw ’a’lu q’a’ nutsim’?”
She wondered, “What the heck’s going on?”
(107) suw’ hwu le’lum’utus ’i’ ni.i.i wulh thuythut ni’ wulh hwu mustimuhw.
She was staring at it and it changed and turned into a person.
(108) ni’ wulh hwu quqe’q tthu ni’ …
It became a little baby…
(109) hay ’ul’ xwum kwus yu thay’thut tthu ni’ slhelhuq’.
Soon it changed and was lying there.
(110) xwum kwus yu ts’its’usum’.
It was growing very quickly.
(111) nuw’ le’lum’utus ’ul’ ’i’ ni’ wulh thuythut (kwus) ni’ wulh hwu qeq.
She looked, and it came to life as a baby.
(112) nuw’ hwun’ le’lum’utus ’i’ ni’ wulh, wulh m’i ’umut.
She was watching it and it sat up.
(113) ’uwu ’ul’ niis hith.
It didn’t take long.
(114) nuw’ kweyul ’ul’ ’i’ ni’ wulh m’i [hwu thi] xwum kwus’i yu ts’its’utsum’ tthey’.
It was just one day, it was growing so quickly.
(115) ni’ smut’uqsun tthu ni’ hwi’ hulithut, hulithut sus m’uw’ hwu mustimuhw.
Her snot came to life and became human.
(116) nuw’ st’ee kw’uw’ nuts’a’ ’ul’ skweyul ’i’ ni’ wulh ts’isum.
It took just one day for him to grow up,
(117) suw’ putum’ut-s thu tens, “te’, nutsim’ ’a’lu ’un’sh ’i yath ’uw’ xeem’?
and then he started asking his mother, “Mother, why are you always crying?
(118) ’uwu kwun’s ’i ts’ehwul’ kwun’s ’i xeem’.”
You never stop crying.”
(119) “a.a.a nilh p’e’ kwthun’ shushiyulh nilh [’i nush] hay ’ul’ t-sas.
“Oh, its’ your older brothers, thats’ why I’m so pitiful.
(120) ni’ suw’q’tus lhu sqe’uqs ’i’ ’uwu kwsus tl’e’ hun’umut.
They went to seek their younger sister and they never returned home.
(121) nan ’uw’ t-sas t-sas nu shqwaluwun.
I’m really, really pitiful.
(122) niis ts’twa’ tstamut kwthu nu me’mun’u’eelh?
What do you suppose happened to my children?
(123) nilh kwu’elh nush ’i hay ’ul’ t-sas nu shqwaluwun.”
I am very sad about it.”
(124) “’o.o.o, ts’ehwul’ ch p’e’, te’.
“Oh, don’t cry, mother.
(125) nem’ tsun tse’ suw’q’t; m’i tsun tse’ t’ukw’stuhw.
I’ll go look for them; I’ll bring them home.
(126) ’uwu ch niihw xuxeem’.”
Don’t cry anymore.”
(127) sus ’uw’ huye’—wulh hwu swiw’lus, huye’ nem’ ’imush.
And he left—he became a young man, and he went exploring.
(128) wulh lumnuhwus tthey’ s’iluws ni’ yu s’ukw’a’kw’us.
He saw the shawl fringes hanging up.
(129) sus nem’ ’uw’ telshus ni’ tl’uw’ huye-e’ t’ahw tus ’u tthu tsetsuw’ ’i’ [ni] tl’e’ wulh tetsul tthu ho’tum’e’
He followed them down to the beach. He got to where Ho’tum’e was.
(130) sus ’uw’ ’aalh huye’ shaqwul, tus sthima’.
He got in it and went across, arriving at the sheet of ice
(131) ’i ’uw’ yu kwun’etus tthu huy’tuns tthuw’nilh swiw’lus, qw’aqwustun.
And the young man had brought a weapon, a club.
(132) hay kwthu shushiyulhs hay shuptun kwthu niilh yu kwun’etus ’i’ nuw’ q’aynum.
His older brothers had weapons too—they had brought knives—but they were killed.
(133) ’i’ hay tthuw’nilh hay qw’qwustun tthu yu kwun’etus.
However, it was a club that he brought.
(134) tus suw’ kwuhwtsum.
He got there and knocked.
(135) ’i ni’ wulh tul’nuhwus thuw’nilh q’e’mi’.
The young lady had found out.
(136) ni’ tl’e’ ’uw’ ’ulh hwu xeem’ kwus shtatul’st-hwus kwsus q’aaytum tthu shushiyulhs.
And she was crying because she knew all her brothers had been killed.
(137) hwyuxwutum tthu shelh, “’a nuw’a’lu lhwet?”
Skwathshun’ opened the door. “Who the heck are you?”
(138) “’a.a.a! yu sew’q’t tsun p’e’ lhunu shuyulh.”
“I’m looking for my older sister.”
(139) ’utl’qul suw’ hwtqetum tthu shelh; nuw’ sun’iw’ thu q’e’mi.
Skwathshun’ went out and closed the door and the young lady stayed inside.
(140) ’i.i.iw’ tuw’ ’ulh hwsaw’q’us, lumnuhwus tthu ’i.i.i slheq’luq’stum’.
Snotboy was looking around, and he saw what had been lain out on the ground.
(141) suw’ ptem’s, “ni’ ’untsu lhunu shuyulh?”
He asked, “Where’s my sister?”
(142) “nutsim’ kwu’elh?”
“Why do you want to know?”
(143) “nem’ tsun p’e’ t’ukw’stuhw; ’i t-sas lhunu ten.”
“I’m going to take her home; my mother is really pitiful.”\
(144) “uwu stsekwul’us.” suw’ thutstewut, “q’aaythamu tsun.”
“No way.” He said, “I’m going to kill you.”
(145) wulh m’i __ wulh ’numnusum kwsus wulh ’numnusum, wulh thay’thut kws lhkwatewut.
He was coming closer and closer, getting ready to peck him.
(146) sus ’uw’ nilhs tthu huy’tuns nilh ni’ shqw’aqwut-s sus ’uw’ yakw’um tthu thathuns tthu skwathshun’.
But Snotboy took his weapon and clubbed him, breaking the beak of Skwathshun’.
(147) sus ’uw’ qw’a’luqwustus [’i] ni’ q’aynuhwus.
Then, he clubbed him to death.
(148) nilh kwsus wulh wutl’uts’ tthu skwathshun’ q’ay.
Skwathshun’ fell down dead.
(149) suw’ nem’ ’u tthu ni’ le’lumutus ni’ stl’hwutsun’stum’ suw’ m’i hwt-hwastus, lemutus.
Snotboy went to look at what was covered over in the ground, and he uncovered it and looked.
(150) ’i’ nilh tthu shushiyuls ni.i.i yu st’ut’in’stum’ ni’ yu __ ’uw’ yu swi’wul’ tthu ni’ yushni’s kwus lhkwatum.
It was his older brothers lying down side-by-side and each one had a hole in his chest.
(151) ’uwu te’ ni’ hwu tth’ele’s.
They were missing their hearts.
(152) suw’ hwthtiwun’s tthuw’nilh swiw’lus, “’uy’ q’a’ kwunus lemut tun’a, niihw muq’utus lhu tth’ele’.”
So that young man thought, “I’d better look at that one. He must have swallowed their hearts.”
(153) suw’ kw’its’utus, kw’its’utum tthu skwathshun.
He cut Skwathshun’ open.
(154) ’i’ ’uw’ thu’it; tl’lim ts’u ni’ ’uw’ yu nuts’nuts’a’ ’ul’ thu tth’ele’—kwsus muq’utus ’uwu niis yu tth’e’tus.
It was true; their hearts were in one piece—he had swallowed them whole without chewing them.
(155) ni’ ’uw’ yu nuts’nuts’a’.
They were all in one piece.
(156) suw’ kwunutus thu tth’ele’s suw’ yu hwu’a’lum’st-hwus ’u tthu shushiyulhs.
He took their hearts and put them back in his brothers.
(157) t’uyum’tus ’i’ ni’ thuytus ’i’ ni’ tl’uw’ hwuy.
He put them in and then fixed them, and they all came back to life.
(158) ’i.i.i mukw’ ’uw’ hwu’alum’stum tthu tth’ele’s, ni’ thuytum.
He returned all their hearts and fixed them.
(159) ni’ tl’uw’ hwuy ’upeenu.
All ten of them came back to life.
(160) sus mukw’ ’uw’ hwuy tthu ni’ hwu’alum’stum thu tth’ele’s ni’ yu they’tum’, ’upeenu swaw’lus.
He returned all their hearts and fixed them for the ten young men.
(161) sus muw’ hwuyhwuy.
And they all woke up.
(162) m’i kwunutus thu shuyulhs ’i’ m’i ’utl’qtus.
Next, he got his sister and brought her outside.
(163) “nem’ tsun t’ukw’stamu.”
“I’m going to take you home.”
(164) sus muw’ t’ukw’stum thu q’e’mi’.
And he took the young lady home.
(165) t’a’lukw’ tthuw’ne’ullh swaw’lus.
All the young men went home too.
(166) tus ’u thu tens ’uw’ hwun’ xeem’.
They got home to their mother, and she was still crying.
(167) “’a-a-a tthunu me’mun’u. ’a-a ’i tseep hun’umut!
“Ah, my children, you are home!
(168) nan ’uw’ ’uy’ kwun’s ’ilup hun’umut, nu me’mun’u!”
It’s good you’re home, my children!”
(169) hwi’ nilh kwsus hun’umut tthu me’mun’us ni’ shxeem’s.
Because her children came home, she started crying tears of joy.
(170) suw’ thut thuw’ nilh, “uy’ kws ’ulhtun tst, tl’eshun’ tst.
She said, “We’d better get some food to have a feast to celebrate.
(171) nem’ee lhu suw’q’ ’ukw’ s’ulhtun.
You all go look for food.
(172) nem’ tseep yu ’um’mush.”
You all go out hunting.”
(173) suw’ hwtulqun tthu swaw’lus.
So the young men responded.
(174) sus ’uw’ huliye’ ’aalh ’u tthu q’xuw’lh nem’ nem’ ’u thu nuts’a’ skwthe’.
They left in a big canoe and went to another island.
(175) ni.i.i yu huy’u tthuw’ne’ullh ’i’ wulh yu qw’aqw’ulhnuhwus tthu hay ’ul’ su’aasuqwt, “ni’ ch ’a’lu kwu’elh tun’untsu?
As they were leaving, the youngest son was asking Snotboy, “Where did you come from?
(176) ’uweelh te’ ’ulh p’e’, ’uwu te’ qul’et sa’suqwt ’utl’ ’een’thu; ’een’thu hay ’ul’ sa’suqwt.
There’s no one younger than me; I’m the youngest.
(177) su’aasuqwt ’u tthunu shushiyulh.
I’m the youngest one of my brothers.
(178) ’i ch ’a’lu tun’untsu?”
Where did you come from?”
(179) ’uwu kws hwtulqutewut ’utl’ smut’uqsun.
Snotboy wouldn’t answer him.
(180) ’uwu ’ul’ niis yu hw’iint-stum.
He didn’t say a word.
(181) ’uw’ kwe’tum ’ul’.
He just ignored him.
(182) qwaqwul’s tthu seen’tl’e’, “kwe’t lhu ’uwu …. qul kwun’s _ xut’u lhu ten tst ’uw’ ’uweet hw’i’untut.”
The eldest brother said, “Drop it. It’s bad… Mother said don’t say anything.”
(183) suw’ kwe’tum ’u tthey’ su’aasuqwt, hay’ul’ sa’suqwt swuy’qe’ mun’us thu [tsi’tsut].
So, the youngest brother let it go, that he was the youngest brother, and they went up the mountain.
(184) huye’ tsam wulh m’i kwuyxthut tthuw’ne’ullh.
They went up the mountain moving along.
(185) smuyuth q’uyi’uts, kwe’we’uts, stseelhtun, mukw’ stem s’ulhtun ni’ lutsutum thu q’xhuw’lh, ni’wulh tl’eshun’.
Deer, moose, elk, salmon—all kinds of food—they filled up the canoe for the feast.
(186) ’ula’ulh tthey’ s’e’ulhtun wulh huye’ t’akw’.
They loaded the canoe with different kinds of food and headed home.
(187) yu t’at’ukw’ ’i’wulh, tl’e’ wulh putum’ tthey’ sa’suqwt, putum’, “’i ch ’a’lu tun’untsu?
On the way home, the youngest one was asking again, “Where did you come from?
(188) ’uweelh te’ ’ulh p’e’ qul’et sa’suqwt ’utl’ ’een’thu.
There’s no one younger than me.
(189) yuthustham’sh.
Tell me.
(190) ’uwu stsekwul’us kwunus yuthust kw’ lhwet.
I won’t tell anyone.
(191) yuthustham’sh.”
Tell me.”
(192) wulh q’el’ smut’uqsun.
Snotboy believed him.
(193) sus ’uw’ yuthustus tthey’ hay ’ul’ sa’suqwt swuy’qe’ mun’us lhu tsi’tsut.
And he explained why he was the youngest of the woman’s sons.
(194) yuthustum kws smut’uqsuns; ni’ hulithut.
He told how he was formed from her snot and he came to life.
(195) ni’ wulh … nuw’ yu sq’uq’a’ tthuw’nilh smut’uqsun kwus yu ’i’eluw’utus tthuw’ mukw’ s’ulhtun.
Snotboy was with them when they went to get all the food.
(196) tus kwsus wulh nem’ hun’lhelt.
They arrived back from hunting.
(197) ni’ wulh qulnum ’u tthey’ sa’suqwt kws hwuw’es niis hun’lhelt.
That youngest brother got mad when they got back from hunting.
(198) ni’ wulh qulnum ’u tthey’ su’aasuqwt suw’ thut-stewut, “uwu te’ stem ’un’ shhw’uy’.
The youngest one got angry and said, “You’re good for nothing.
(199) ’uw’ smut’uqsun ch ’ul’.
You’re just snot.
(200) ’uwu ch na’nuts’a’uhw ’utl’ lhnimulh.
You’re not really one of us.
(201) ’uwu ch tun’ni’uhw ’utl’ lhnimulh.
You are not one of us here.
(202) nutsim’ ’a’lu ’un’sh ’i hwi’ ’i?”
Why are you here?”
(203) ’a-a- ni’ wulh xulh, wulh xlhultslh smut’uqsun kwus puspuskwtum, qulqulnum.
This really hurt Snotboy’s feelings, the way he insulted him.
(204) qux ni’ sqwals tthey’ su’aasuqwt kwus qulqulnuhwus tthu ni’ hulinhw.
The youngest brother said lots of mean things, even though he had saved them.
(205) ni’ wulh tus hun’lhelt.
They got back to shore.
(206) wulh ti’ya’xw tthey’ mukw’ tthey’ shushiyulhs swaw’lus ni’ __ ti’yaxw ni’ qw’imutum tthu s’ulhtun nem’ tsumstum wulh thuytum.
All the brothers got busy unloading all the food, carrying it up and preparing it.
(207) tl’eshun’ tleshun’ kwus hun’umut thu ’elushs ’eelhtun.
They invited people for a feast because they got their sister home.
(208) siil’ukw tthuw’ne’ullh.
Everyone was happy.
(209) qw’imutum mukw’ tthu s’ulhtun—q’uyi’uts, stseelhtun, p’uwi’—mukw’ stem s’ulhtun— xihwu, skw’itth’i’, ni’ ’aluxutus tthuw’ne’ullh.
They unloaded all the food—moose, salmon, flounder—all kinds of food— flounder—all kinds of food—purple and green sea urchins—they had gathered up.
(210) hay ’ul ’uw’ qux.
There was a lot of it.
(211) sus ’uw’ wulh thuytum tthu stl’eshun’ tse’.
And they were going to hold a feast.
(212) wulh kwookw, kwookwtum tthuw’ mukw’stem.
They cooked it all up.”
(213) ni’… hay ’ul’ ’uw’ qux s’ulhtun ni’ thuytum.
There was a lot of food that they made.
(214) ni’ wulh tsulel ’i’ hwu saay’ kwus kwulookw tthuw’ne’ullh ’i’ wulh qwal thu tsitsut, “ni’ ’a’lu ’untsu kwthun’ sqe’uqulup?”
What they were cooking was ready and the mother asked, “Where is your little brother?”
(215) “’a-a ’i p’uw’ sq’uq’a’ ’iilh ’uw’ ’i’mush.”
“Oh, he’s around walking around here somewhere.”
(216) “nu stl’i’ p’e’ kwunus qwul’qwul’stuhw. nem’ ’aat.”
“I want to talk to him. Go call him.”
(217) suw’q’tum ’uwu te’, “ni’ ’a’lu ’untsu kwthu sqe’uq tst?”
They looked for him, but he was nowhere. “Where is our little brother?”
(218) ni’ wulh mukw’ ’uw’ tuw’ suwq’ tthuw’ne’ullh, ni’ wulh saay’ tthu s’ulhtun, wulh saay’, wulh te’lutsul tthu ni’ stl’eshun’.
They all started looking around, and the food was all set and the people they invited had arrived.
(219) “nem’ thulh ’aat kwthun’ sqe’uq nu stl’i’ kwunus qwulstuhw.”
“Go call your brother. I want to talk to him.”
(220) “’uwu q’u kwutst kwunnuhw.”
“We couldn’t find him.”
(221) tl’e’ wulh suwq’ tthuw’ne’ullh, ’uwu te’.”
They looked again, and he was nowhere to be seen.
(222) wulh huye’ nem’ t’ahw tthu na’nuts’a’ nem’ ’u tthu q’xhuw’lh.
One of them went down to the canoe.
(223) ’i’ ni’ ’uw’ ’ulh ni’ wulh tulnuhwus tthuw’ne’ullh ’uw’ mukw’ kwus tun’ni’ ’u kwthey’ su’aasuqwt, sqe’uqs.
And he told them what he had found out, that their brother was made from snot.
(224) ni’ yuthustus tthu shushiyulhs kws smut’uqsuns tthey’ sqe’uqs.
He told his brothers that their brother was made from snot.
(225) sus ’ulh ’uw’ huy’aatum’ ’u thu tens, “’uwu tseep tum’temuhw ’i’ ch hwhunum’ ’u kwthu shtun’ni’s kwthun’ sqe’uq’ulup,
The mother was telling them, “Don’t be inquiring about where your younger sibling came from.
(226) ’uwu tseep t’eqtuhw, nilh ni’ huli nilh ni’ ’un’ hulitun’.
Don’t insult him; he’s the one that saved you.
(227) ’uwu tseep kwu’elh tum’temuhw ’i’ t’eqt ’uwu tseep tum’temuhw ’i ch hwu hunum’.
Don’t be insulting him by asking where he’s from.
(228) nilh ’i m’i hulinhw lhun’ sqe’uq ’i’ huli nalum.”
He went and saved your little sister, and he saved all of you.”
(229) huye.e.e nem’ ’u tthu tsetsuw’ tthu na’nuts’a’, ’uw’ suntl’een’s.
One of them went down to the beach, the eldest brother.
(230) tus ’i’ ni-i tthu q’xhuw’lh, tus ’u tthu qxhuw’lh ’i’ ’i ts’u stl’hwutsun’ tu’i— luxwtun sus ’uw’ stl’hwutsun’.
He arrived at the big canoe, and it was covered—a blanket was covering it.
(231) sew’q’ tuteem’, tuteem’, “ni’ ch ’a’lu ’untsu?”
He was searching, hollering out, “Where are you?”
(232) ’uwu te’ kwlh hwtulqun.
But there was no answer.
(233) suw’ nem’ ’u tthey’ luxwtun ’i’ t-hwutstus [tthu stl’hwutsun’] t-hwutstus ’i’ t-hway tthu smut’uqsun tthu slhelhuq’.
He went to the blanket and lifted it and all he uncovered was a pile of snot lying there.
(234) ’o.o.o! xlhultslh.
Oh, he really felt bad.
(235) nem’ ’u thu tens ’i’ yuthustus.
He went to his mother and told her.
(236) huye’ nem’ thu tsi’tsut tus ’i’ t-hw’uwu te’.
The mother went down to see, but there was nothing left.
(237) ni’…. ni’ tl’e’ wulh hwu’alum’ hwu smut’uqsun tthu niilh hulinhw.
The one who saved them was snot again.
(238) hay ’ul’ t-sas shqwaluwuns thuw’nilh kwus ….. ni’ puskwtum.
She felt really bad because they had insulted him.
(239) qux ni’ sqwals tthu hay ’ul’ su’aasuqwt.
The youngest brother’s words did that.
(240) hay ’ul’ t-sas shqwaluwuns thu tsi’tsut kwsus wulh tul’nuhwus kwunnuhwus they’.
The mother was very sad about when she made that discovery.
(241) hwu’alum’ nem’ ’u tthu ……
She returned to the others,
(242) suw’ tsset ’ul’, “ni’ wulh huye’.
And she told them, “He’s gone now.
(243) ni’ taantalum ’u kwthu ’un’ sqe’uqulup; ni’ wulh huye’.
Your brother his left us; he’s gone now.
(244) ’uwu te’ stsle’t.
There’s nothing to be done.
(245) ’iilh tsun ’uw’ huy’aatal’u ’uwu tseep hw’i’unt’uhw.
I asked you never to say anything.
(246) ’i’ ni’ tseep ’uw’ ni’ kwthu ni’ qwal; ni’ kwu’elh taantalum.”
But you did say something, and now he’s left us.”
(247) tun’ni’ ’ul’ ’u they’ slheni’, slheni’een’s tthuw’ne’ullh swaw’lus, tse’yul’lhtum’, kwus ’uwu kwlh hwi’neem’ ’i’ ni’ _ kwus huy’aatum’, “uwu ch tumt’eemuhw ’i’ tsukwulul’qum’ ’ukw’ lhwet.
It all started with the young woman, the sister of those young men, the sequestered one, who didn’t listen when they told her, “Don’t ever be following anyone.
(248) ’uwu ch nem’uhw ’i’mush kwun’s ’i’mush.
Don’t be walking here and there.
(249) ’uwu ch qwaqwulst-hwuhw kw’ lhwet.”
Don’t ever talk to anyone.”
(250) ’i’ ni’ qwulst-hwus ’i’ ni’ sqen’.
She spoke to him, and he stole her.
(251) nilh kwu’elh shhwiy’aate’wut tthu q’um’i’allh, “’uwu ch qwaqwul’st-hwuhw kw’ lhwet.”
That’s why young ladies are told, “Don’t be talking to anyone.
(252) ’uwu ch ’uw’ ye’num’uhw ’ul’ kwun’s ni’ ’u tthu qux mustimuhw.
Don’t be laughing and such when you are among a lot of people.
(253) ha’ ch ye’num’ ’uw’ niihw ye’num’ ’i’ wuwa’ ni’ ch tuw’ hwsuw’q’us ’i st’eewun’ kw’ na’nuts’a’ swu’yqe’, “’o.o.o! ’uy’stelum! ’uy’stelum!”
If you are laughing and joking, then a man would see and think, “Oh! She loves me! She loves me!’
(254) ’i’ nilh suw’ tseelthamut.”
And then he’ll follow you.”
(255) nilh ’uw’ snuw’uyulhs tthu yuw’en’ulh.
This is the teaching from our ancestors,
(256) ’i’ nan ’uw’ thu’it kwthey’.
And this is really true.
(257) ni’ hay’. hay ch q’a’.
The end. Thank you.