Bill Seward: Bill Survives Longshoring Accident

Bill Survives a Longshoring Accident kwunus hwun’a ’ul’ nem’ yaays, ni’ ’u tu longshoring, When I was first working at longshoring, qux mustimuhw wulh s’ul’eluhw ni’ wulh ’ikw’ ’u tun’a kweyul. that’s the day that there were a lot of Elders who had already passed away. ’uw’ hay tuw’ s’aa’lh thathun hul’q’umi’num’ ha’kwushus. It was our own Hul’q’umi’num’ language that

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Bill Seward: Reading The Weather

Reading the Weather (Hul’q’umi’num’ starts at 1:22) kw’unus hwun’ hunum’ulh ’u kw’u’i tuyt, seine boat, When I was going fishing up north on a seiner, wulh nem’ tst yu shahwuqwul’, nem’ ’utl’ Haida. and we were crossing over, going to Haida. ’i’ ’uy’ilum, ’uy’ skweyul ’i’ xut’ustam’shus tunu qequnuts, It was a calm beautiful day and our skipper told us,

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Bill Seward: House Of Thunderbird (English)

A story by Bill Seward, Snuneymuxw First Nations, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Recorded by Chris Bouris. Thanks to Chris Bouris, Sean Milliken, and Zoey Peterson for video and post-production. For the Hul’q’umi’num’ version of this story, please go to: Bill Seward: House Of Thunderbird (Hul’q’umi’num’)

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Bill Seward: House Of Thunderbird (Hul’q’umi’num’)

s-hwuhwa’us | House of Thunderbird nilh tsun nem’ ni’ ’utl’ Rivers Inlet kwunus kw’akw’i’uthut ’u tthu stseelhtun. I used go up to Rivers Inlet when I was fishing for salmon. ’i’ ni’ ni’ hwun’ quxulh s’ul’eluhw ni’ ’u tey’ huy’thustham’shus And there were a lot of elders still living around there and they were telling me suw’ ’i’wusthelum ’u tu lelum’s

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Bill Seward: Blackfish Warning

Kw’aan’t’ | Blackfish Warning tthu kw’aan’t’ About the blackfish (dophin, porposie). xut’ustam’shus’ulh kw’unu s’ul’eluhw, I was told by the Elders, ’uwu ch tum’temuhw ’i’ he’kwul’usht tey’ kw’aan’t’. “Don’t ever be shooting those blackfish. nilh sul’e ’utl’ lhnimulh, tu qwunus, q’ullhanumutsun. They belong with us, the whales, and the orcas. ’uwu ch tum’temuhw ’i’ he’kwul’usht Don’t ever be shooting them tul’li’

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Bill Seward: Jack Point

JACK POINT | lhtse’munby Bill Seward shni’sulh tu.. tl’e’ wulh shni’s tu hwulmuhw, snuneymuhw hwulmuhwAt the location of the Snuneymuxw First Nations, yey’sul’u shne’um tun’ni’ ’u tey’.two people who were Shamans lived there. na’nuts’a’ shne’um slheni’ thu mun’us.One had a daughter. ’i’ tu na’nuts’a’ shne’um swuy’qe’ tu mun’us.The other had a son. nilh kwu’elh …nilh st’ee kw’uw’ ’iye’qtum ni’ hwu kw’a’luhwstumThey

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Bill Seward: Snake Island

SNAKE ISLAND – hw’ulhqi’um I will tell you a story about Snake Island. It’s been passed down to our people for thousands of years, which I’ve learned from my Elders. And we used to call that place hw’ulhqi’um. ni’ ’ulh ’uw’ hwun’ ni’ ’utl’ stl’iilnup tthu hwulmuhw, snuneymuhw hwulmuhw. When the First Nations people, the Snuneymuhw First Peoples, resided at

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Bill Seward: Snake Island (English)

A story from Bill Seward, Snuneymuxw First Nations, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Recorded by Chris Bouris. Thanks to Chris Bouris, Sean Milliken, and Zoey Peterson for video and post-production. Please also view the Hul’q’umi’num’ version of Bill’s story at: Bill Seward: Snake Island

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Bill Seward: The Young Man and the Orca

The young man and the orca I will tell you a story about the orca. This was also passed on from 1000 years ago. There was a hunter, seal hunter. nem’ pi’atulh tu na’nuts’a’ swiw’lus. One young young man went hunting on the water. shes ’es-hw tu yath ’uw’ ’a’luxutus yu t’at’ukw’. Sea lions and seals were what he always

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