Hazel Good: Memories of my Childhood

(1) nem’ tsun skwoul tuli’ kw’i sta’luw’ suw’ ’a’ulh tst ’u thu miner’s train.
I traveled to school along the river, aboard the miner’s train.

(2) yul’ew’ tth’a’kwus tintun tu netulh ’i’ ni’ tst wulh ’aalh ’u thu hwuy’qwul’ulh ni’ wuqw’ilum.
Around seven in the morning, we’d get on the train, pile right on.

(3) nem’ tst ’uw’ skwoul nii’ tu tuytuxun.
We went to school over at Tuytuxun.

(4) suw’ tuss ’ukw’ yul’ew’ yuse’lu ’i’ xwchenum tst ni’ tst ’aalh ’u thu hwuy’qwul’ulh, nem’ tst t’akw’.
Half-past two, we would run to get aboard the train to go home.

(5) sutst ’uw’ yu xwun’xwan’chunum’.
We always ran everywhere.

(6) ’uwu kws lhtsiws tst, [kws] xwan’chunum’ tst.
We never got tired of running.

(7) niilh le’lum’uthe’lum’ ’u kwsunu si’lu.
My grandmother took care of me.

(8) yath tst ’uw’ ts’ets’uw’ut ’ukw’ spun’ums.
We always helped with her garden.

(9) tl’uw’ yaays ’u tu lhilhuts’ul’s ’u tu syalh.
Also, she would cut firewood.

(10) nuw’ ’iyusstuhw kw’unus lhilhuts’ul’s ’u tu thi lhuts’tun.
I enjoyed working with the big saw.

(11) hwun’ netulh ’i’ nem’ tsun lhilhuts’ul’s.
Early in the morning, I would do the cutting.

(12) hwuw’e tsun ni’un’ ’ulhtun i’ nem’ tsun yaay’us.
I went without breakfast to go work.

(13) ’uy’ulh shqweluwuns kw’unu si’lu, kwusulh kwen’nuhw tthu syalhs tum’xuy’tl’s.
My grandmother was very happy to get her firewood for the winter.

(14) sutst ’uw’ kwunnuhw tu p’its’t tl’uw’ ha’kwushut huy’qw tst ‘i ‘u kwsunu si’lu.
We also gathered coal to use in our fire there at my grandmother’s.

(15) ’iyusulh kws nem’ tst ’utl’ s’ulaans ts’ey’hwul’s ’u tthu s’axwa’.
We liked going to the narrows to dry clams.

(16) ni’ uw’ tth’akwus skweyul kws ni’ tst ’u tthey’, thay’qwul’s ’u tthu s’axwa’.
For seven days, we would stay there, digging clams.